We went to our breeder's on Saturday to spend some more time with the now 4 week old Great Dane puppies. They're much more playful and mobile than they were just last week, and we had a lot of fun. Here are a few entertaining (and short) videos of our time there.
This little guy is already showing some Alpha dog personality...
When she puts down the newspaper, they know that it's almost time to be fed, and they get very excited...
It's a feeding frenzy, dirty paws and faces all around. Right now they have to be washed after every meal because they are such a mess when they're done...
After being fed and washed, they are ready to go to sleep. Here they are anxious awaiting their kennel so that they can go to bed...
It's amazing how fast they fall asleep after eating. They literally eat, run around for 5 minutes, and pass out. Since we didn't let them in the kennel right away, they decided to go to sleep on the floor, one at a time...