Thursday, February 18, 2010

What's New

I've been thinking about and listening to this song a lot lately. Check it out.

Here's why...

September 8, 2010, it will be a new pair of eyes that I'm looking through!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm a Movie Snob

I'm no fan of George Lucas. Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars (when I say "Star Wars," I mean "A New Hope," "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi") but the most recent three films are so poorly written that it is almost incomprehensible that the acting in them is even poorer than the writing. They're one of the biggest letdowns in cinematic history. He also was the Executive Producer for that pseudo-Indiana Jones film "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." Couple that with Lucas's re-editing of the original Star Wars to insert characters and scenes designed to blend the first three and the second three films together, and you can see why I'm not the president of the George Lucas fan club.

But this documentary takes dislike of George Lucas to a whole new level. While I don't disagree with some of the critique, I can't help but note that at the end of the day, there are millions of movies, issues and problems that are more important than whether this guy went off the deep end when it comes to making films. Some, however, don't share such tempered opinions.

I'm not really sure why I posted this, except for the inanity of it all. The next thing you know, I'll have a twitter account.