"What makes a man or woman truly great in the eyes of God is if that individual is serving others for the glory of God. That is true greatness, that makes them great in the eyes of God. And this, this must be the distinctives of our lives individually and the local church corporately." - CJ Mahaney
My mother walks where few women dare to tread. She raised four boys- stitches, wrestling matches, tree climbing- and lived to tell about it (and, remarkably, so did we). She held our feet to the fire with our homework, took us on trips to the library and sat in the stands for our football, wrestling, basketball, swimming and track competitions. Now she's written a book, to be released in August, about the whole, wild experience. You're going to want to check this out.
From the publisher: Boy #1 is a blessing. Boy #2 is a joy. But what happens with boy #3? And what if there is a #4? Or more? Suddenly, Mom is outnumbered. Throw Dad into the mix, and you have enough testosterone to chase Mom out the front door and keep her on the run from dawn to dusk. My mom is not only a great mom, but an excellent writer, so this will definitely be a great read. Keep an eye open in bookstores for I'm Outnumbered in August, and read more about my mom, her book and raising boys at www.outnumberedmom.com. On a personal note, I couldn't be more proud of my mom for writing this book. It's always been her dream to write, and now that she's got the creative juices flowing, I can't wait to see what else is coming in the future. Congrats mom!
Here's a short film my brother stars in that just won best audio, best music and best comedy at the Highbridge Film Festival. It's hilarious, clever and definitely worth a watch. Enjoy!
So, I know it's been a while since I posted, and I'll work on getting back on track, but for now, here are a few pictures of our ultrasound from Thursday. It was 30 minutes of just ultrasound, and it was awesome. I can't wait to be a father!
And, for those of you who are wondering, we didn't cave. We're still not finding out the sex of the baby. It's going to be one amazing surprise.
Here's a great profile shot...you can see the spine, legs, all kinds of cool stuff. In this one you can see our little one raising a clenched fist...they're already sticking it to the man! This is by far my favorite...you can see both feed (look where the arrows ar pointing) as well as toes, the back, spine and a little bit of a rear end. I love it! These last two are the 3D ultrasounds. The baby was wiggling all over the place, but would not turn over, so when we go back in three weeks, we'll have some 3D face shots to post. Looking forward to that!