I'm a Republican, and one that more and more sees value in the Libertarian idea (formerly a Republican idea) that smaller government is better. Lower taxes, less regulation and more local governing are all good ideas that the framers of the constitution embraced. We've forgotten much of the value in these ideas, and forgotten that a growing government will encroach upon our freedoms.
John McCain isn't a true conservative as I would define him, but as I look at the whole picture in this election, I see a man with mountains of experience, and a man with very little. Sex appeal and youth are no substitute for years of experience working across the aisle. These are serious and perilous times, and we need someone who has been here before and knows how to handle what is coming. John McCain does not do everything well, but he's done much more than Barack Obama.
I don't agree with Barack Obama on any number of issues- social issues, economics, national defense, just to name a few. I don't buy the sketchy link between Obama and 70s radicals either. I just think that his vision for America is the wrong one. It's great that an African American received his party's nomination for President of the United States, but the potential significance of having our first African American President shouldn't overshadow the qualifications and experience of the candidates.
Tomorrow I'll vote for John McCain. If you're still undecided, I would encourage you to look at the candidates carefully one last time, asking yourself which candidate will do the best job as the President of our country. Vote on the issues. Look at their records, their positions on issues and think about their character. Then, cast your vote for your choice thankfully, realizing that your freedom is precious.
John McCain's Wall Street Journal Editorial
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