I'll just come right out and say it- network television as it stands now is horrible. I realize this is a well-worn soapbox for me at this point, but I can't help myself. I'm tired of mindless, sanitized drivel mixed in with reality tv trash. I want to be moved by television- it should make me laugh, make me cry...make me feel something. But it's all market research and being all things to all people now.
NBC, once the network of networks, announced today that it is cancelling the critically acclaimed drama Southland after delaying the second season premiere. You've heard me talk about this show on here before; it's a tough and interesting crime drama with unique characters in real situations. Certainly the first seven episodes were bumpy, juggling a large cast and complex, dark subject matter on a non-cable network isn't easy. But it is one of the few shows that had promise, one of the few shows I was looking forward to this year.
NBC, once the network of networks, announced today that it is cancelling the critically acclaimed drama Southland after delaying the second season premiere. You've heard me talk about this show on here before; it's a tough and interesting crime drama with unique characters in real situations. Certainly the first seven episodes were bumpy, juggling a large cast and complex, dark subject matter on a non-cable network isn't easy. But it is one of the few shows that had promise, one of the few shows I was looking forward to this year.
It's just the latest in a long-developing pattern for NBC. From the cancellation of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip a few years back, a show that was the best thing NBC had in years, to their tireless promotion of the over-hyped and seriously unfunny 30 Rock, to the overrunning of ER into jump-the-shark oblivion, NBC consistently shows they couldn't spot talent if it walked right up and bit them in the focus group. Shows like The Office continue to do well, but for how long? The marriage of main characters and resolution to so many story lines leaves one wondering where else the show can go. Meanwhile, NBC clings to worthless shows like Heroes despite a ratings plunge, pitches a ridiculous Trauma, and Conan loses every night to someone with an audience 9 years older than his own.
I realize I am probably skewering some sacred cows for some people, but seriously...have you watched these shows? They're junk food, all of them. I realize 30 Rock just won a 3rd Emmy, but that seems to be more of a testament to the intellect of the Emmy voters than the quality of the show. Tracy Morgan isn't funny...he's just Tracy Morgan. Alec Baldwin is talented, but does not shine in this role. Tina Fey has never been funny...ever. The situational comedy is one exaggerated plot twist after another, each more unbelievable and banally ridiculous than the last.
I realize I am probably skewering some sacred cows for some people, but seriously...have you watched these shows? They're junk food, all of them. I realize 30 Rock just won a 3rd Emmy, but that seems to be more of a testament to the intellect of the Emmy voters than the quality of the show. Tracy Morgan isn't funny...he's just Tracy Morgan. Alec Baldwin is talented, but does not shine in this role. Tina Fey has never been funny...ever. The situational comedy is one exaggerated plot twist after another, each more unbelievable and banally ridiculous than the last.

“I’m disappointed that NBC no longer has the time periods available to support the kind of critically acclaimed series that was for so many years a hallmark of their success. We remain extremely proud of ‘Southland,’ and are actively looking for another home for the series.”
Until NBC realizes that cheap does not equal good, art like Southland and Studio 60 will continue to be cast aside in favor of shows that insult our intellegence. So the next time you are channel surfing, skip the Peacock...there's nothing there for you. Maybe one day NBC will get the message.
I'm with you, my brother. This just sucks.
Absolutely scathing and seething and I love it! Great work Jonathan, you summed it up so well that honestly, I will not even respond on my blog in kind. Seriously you really nailed it on the head.
This year is the first time in a long time that I(we) have actually enjoyed a new sitcom. We're totally loving "The Middle" on ABC wednesdays.
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