I tell that story because reading Psalms has followed roughly the same trajectory for me as my relationship with the delicious green stalk. I have always gravitated to the epistles for their theological and didactic nature and to narrative because it so beautifully illustrates the unfolding of the message of the Word. But I'm not really one for poetry, and I had never really gotten into the book of Psalms.
Per usual, the impetus for me to step out of what I was comfortable with was my wonderful wife, who has been enthusiastically enjoying the Psalms on her second read through the Bible in a year. I was skeptical, but I had finished an epistle and a narrative recently, so I took the plunge and started with Psalm 1. I was stunned...how had I been missing this the whole time?!?! The beauty of the text is intertwined with great theological truths about the nature of God, man, sin, redemption...I could go on and on. I'm not sure that anything I have read so clearly reveals so much about the nature of God.
I've been reveling in Psalms ever since. It's been an incredible encouragement in this time of uncertainty and Kristen and I have decided to memorize this passage to keep our minds and hearts focused on who our mighty God is:
6Blessed be the LORD! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. 7The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.
8The LORD is the strength of his people; he is the saving refuge of his anointed. 9Oh, save your people and bless your heritage! Be their shepherd and carry them forever.
8The LORD is the strength of his people; he is the saving refuge of his anointed. 9Oh, save your people and bless your heritage! Be their shepherd and carry them forever.
- Psalm 28:6-9 (ESV)
I encourage you to check out Psalms if you have not already. And keep your eye on this blog, as I intend to start up blogging with more regularity in the coming weeks.
Psalms is a treasure trove, isn't it? Can't wait to hear what else you discover there.
Favorite phrase = "delicious green stalks". Also, love the promise of more posts!
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