Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Reports of My Carving Have NOT Been Greatly Exaggerated...

Apparently there has been some question as to whether I actually carved the pumpkin in this post. I must say that I am saddened by the lack of faith that my friends and particularly my family have in my artistic abilities. That said, the proof is in the pudding (or pictures in this case) so here I am, pumpkin carving. Please, no more disparaging remarks.

In this photo, I am pondering the mysteries of the universe and also trying to figure out how to put my carving talents to their most effective use.

Figuring that I may as well get to it, here is my hand in the pumpkin. I would appreciate it if all of the libelous things being written about my fear of pumpkin innards would be put to rest by this picture.

Mmmmm...raw pumpkin is good!

Here I am carving the pumpkin. Paisley's wondering what is going on...

I only used a stencil because I wanted to see what it was like. I can carve without it...

And there you have it. I carved my first pumpkin just like that. I hope you're all satisfied!


Kristen and Jonathan said...

Awww, look at my talented husband!! He is so cute!! ;-)

DAD said...

Well, I guess I am now forced to comment on your Pumpkin Carving blog post. Now that you have posted so-called pictures to back up your claims of carving authenticity, I am somewhat offended that you would demean the entire group of Freestyle Pumpkin Carvers such as myself by using such a pattern. The attempt to impress others by using someone else's artistic creativity is beyond reproach.

However, you must understand our lack of faith in your ability to fulfill this task as the empirical evidence suggest otherwise:

1. Your first experience with pumpkin carving was such a traumatic event that counseling was considered.
2. The lack of artistic creativity during your formative years? Well, enough said.
3. Finally, and most importantly, it is just inconceivable that a future, almost ordained minister would dabble in such a way with the occult of Halloween.

That being said, I must apologize for doubting your ability. The pumpkin was very well-executed. But the conspiracy theorist in me still wonders if you bought the pumpkin, traced the stencil, and then staged the pictures. There would then be two people involved, but no grassy knoll. Hmm...


JonathanG said...

I don't even know what to say...I'm not sure if I am more amazed at the content of the post or the fact that my Father POSTED ON A BLOG! Love you guys!

By the way, I honestly have no recollection of this so-called "traumatic event"...perhaps I have blotted it from my conscious mind, much like Matthew's traumatic milk experience...

RadicallyRed said...

Hmm...let's see deflecting attention from your self and changing the subject to me. Sounds all to typical to me Jonathan. Man, our father is the man, that is one of the greatest rebuttals and non-apologies I've ever seen for a blog post! I love the three examples of empirical evidence, especially number 2, man that burns!! I guess they'd believe it more artistically if it was done by me, OHHH!!! Just kidding. HAHA. I also lover number 3, the occult of Halloween.

I'm with Dad on this point, a stencil? Man, that kind of seems cheap to me, you might as well have brought it pre-craved. HAHA, just trying to stir the pot even further. And call me a conspiracy theorist, at least a partial one, especially with JFK, but Dad's theory kind of sounds legitimate. Where he fell off was when he mentioned the grassy knoll, I think Dad's getting visions of the "back and to the left" scene from the great Oliver Stone film, JFK. There, I did it, I couldn't comment without giving a movie reference. HAHA. Also Dad, you said that you are part of the Freestyle Pumpkin Carvers group, but then you disapprove of your seminary son, being involved in the occult of Halloween? Hmm...can anyone spell double standard. Let's keep these comments going, maybe it will force Jonathan to respond with another blog post altogether. Here's to hoping for that.

redtechguy said...

Boy, this is getting kinda dicey, why don't we propose a compromise, if there are any pumpkins still around i say we issue a carving challenge, jk. I do have to agree though father has some valid points which may just require further investigation.

Kristen and Jonathan said...

Matthew, don't make me get all protective and stand up for my husband. I'm feisty!! ;-)

George said...

"the attempt to impress others by using someone else's artistic creativity is beyond reproach."

jonathan, I think I agree with that statement. Look at Vanilla Ice. He was awesome and everyone loved him and then he used "someone else's artistic creativity" and now where is he? On that d-list celebrity reality tv show on VH1. Is that the kind of life you want Jonathan? Honestly?

However, I must also disagree with ASPIRITUALSEEKER simply because I don't know what a "pre-craved" pumpkin is.

For what its worth, I can still remember the lyrics to Vanilla perhaps it isn't that bad afterall. You know what? I've changed my mind. I like stencils. I mean I would never use one of course, but this is America (at least at the moment it is) and with America comes freedom. So you carve (crave?) those pumpkins in the name of liberty!