Our (fur) Baby
It occurs to me that it has been a long time since I've posted any pictures of our adorable puppy Paisley, and a few weeks ago she got to spend some playtime in the snow. It's probably her favorite thing ever...well, second only to peanut butter. Here are some action shots of our crazy pooch:
Our sweet puppy, calm and enjoying the snow...
Graceful as a deer, bounding through the snow...
This is probably my favorite picture of her...she's got the crazy eyes.
Paisley's not super agile, but that doesn't stop her from trying.
Recently, Paisley's had a bit of drama in her life. What was supposed to be a short pedicure for her turned into an impromptu first aid session when I accidentally cut the quick of one of her nails. I know, I should have been more careful...I felt awful about it. A quick tip: when you do this to your dog, sticking her foot in a bowl of flour coats the nail and helps staunch the bleeding. Unfortunately, you also have a dog tracking flour all over the house. At least it's better than her tracking blood all over the house.Paisley wanted to lick all the flour off her paw, resulting in a restart to the bleeding, so before it was all said and done, her foot got a second dip in the flour and she got a stylish sock to keep her from licking her nail. She was none too pleased about this.

Finally, she settled down from all the excitement and made peace with the fact that she was going to have to wear this sock (for a little while, at least).
That's all the canine news for now, but I'm sure there will be plenty more fodder for future posts since there will be many new and exciting things coming in her (and our) lives.
Aww, she looks so miserable with that sock on her foot!! Haha, what a mess.
I love it! Great pix!!
Don't feel too bad about trimming a nail too short. It's easy to do, especially if the nails are black. Been there and done that, many times!
Never tried the flour trick, I'll have to remember that if I ever run out of styptic(sp?) powder or super glue.
Also, if you have a Dremmel tool, those work great for grinding the nail down and less like to draw blood.
Haha, we've tried the dremmel...but Paisley is horrified of it. She's a huge chicken!
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